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Shuswap resident paints the perps in repeated ding-dong ditch

'Husband deployed spray paint in an effort to mark the youth for later identification.'
Chase RCMP called to ongoing harassment that had resulted in the youth involved being spray painted for identification.

A repeated incident of ding-dong ditch resulted in one teen being warned of potential criminal charges should the prank be continued.

Just after 9 p.m. on Saturday, June 15, Chase RCMP received a report of a disturbance on Pine Street. The caller had previously reported an ongoing problem of teenagers banging on their door late at night and then running away.

"On this occasion, the youth escalated their behaviour – throwing eggs and rocks at the house and kicking the front door," Const. Sarah Van Wilgenburg said in a media release. "The caller's husband deployed spray paint in an effort to mark the youth for later identification."

Officers found and detained a male teen who was found to be involved in the incident. He was released to his parents, but warned that criminal charges would be pursued if the harassment continued.

"Parents of young people that returned home decorated with spray paint may wish to speak with their children regarding their evening activities," Van Wilgenburg added.

About the Author: Heather Black

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